Alefe Souza


Pokédex app for Android

DroiDéx was my first Android application, I have decided to develop it when i was 17 years old just when I realized that the DéxDroid developer have had given up of it’s development. So just as I found out it was open source I started out to continue it’s development.

By the time I decided to build the app, I knew nothing about Java or Android development, but since the syntax seemed like JavaScript, which have been using for 4 years, I moved on deep to a huge amount of coding making no sense to me. That’s when I remembered an old Android app I have started to build, but never had it finished, and IDE app for Android have been launched, the AIDE (which I still use). So I opened the whole project on AIDE and everything was nicely compiled, then I studied and modified the whole code, I have also made some obvious deductions, like when I realized that AndroidManifest.xml was where I had to put app infos such as name and version, the onCreate method contains which code to execute when a new Activity starts, the Activity was a screen and so goes on.

When I tried to figure out how to add new Pokémon I found out this thing called “data base”. I quickly realized that database is the info storage of the app, then I started modifying, adding new stuff such as recently announced Pokémon, unannounced Pokémon, new generation Pokémon and so goes on. This new knowledge has allowed me to launch the very first version of the app a few days later. Just as I went on studying and understanding the app coding new features were added, such as: changing the app color according to the Pokémon’s major color, open the Pokémon’s page at Bulbapedia and at other sites too, changing the whole app color scheme, sounds of the Pokémon (anime sounds and game sounds), 3DS gifs and many more which I’m wanted other apps to have. But my favorite feature of all the ones I have put is being able to add any Pokémon’s widget to the launcher screen.

But, unfortunately, just as happened to the developer before me and to all Pokédex for Android unofficial apps, then all have been suspended from the Google Play Store by DMCA violation. Since this happened, I did not update it anymore but you can download by clicking here.

I took this opportunity to see how many downloads has the last DroiDéx version actually, it is because isn’t in the Play Store and I’m not doing any divulgation, think if I do that hahaha, in the Play Store it has a little more than 1000 downloads and 150 five stars in one week.

Captura de Tela (303)

This could be a really great app, since until today people send messages to me asking when I’ll launch a new version and that’s the best Pokédex app.